Think Radial - Transradial Access - Proctors

Transradial Access

Merit Medical’s renowned transradial intervention education program offers state-of-the-art simulation training, with taped or live cases and engaging didactic presentations presented by some of the most respected Interventional Radiologists, Interventional Cardiologists, and Interventional Neuroradiologists around the globe. Learn more about our upcoming and on-demand courses, as well as our Think Radial proctors below.

Upcoming Courses

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On-Demand Courses

Merit Medical offers physician education in many formats – virtual video conferences, in-person classes, on-demand webinars, as well as courses designed around continuing education credits. We’re putting your education into your hands and offering formats designed to meet you, wherever you are.

Physician Education - On-Demand and Live - Merit Medical



Interventional Cardiologists

Ferdinand Kiemeneij - Think Radial Proctor

Ferdinand Kiemeneij, MD, PhD

Internationally recognized as the “Father of Transradial Intervention” US Guest of Honor and IC Advanced Course Co-Proctor
Tergooi, The Netherlands
Sandeep Nathan - Think Radial Proctor

Sandeep Nathan, MD, MSc

Associate Professor of Medicine Co-Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory University of Chicago Medical Center
Chicago, IL, USA

Interventional Radiologists & Neuroradiologists

Darren Klass - Think Radial Proctor

Darren Klass, MD, PhD, MRCS, FRCR, FRCPC

Clinical Assistant Professor, Medical Head of MRI Vancouver General Hospital
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ajit Puri - Think Radial Proctor

Ajit S. Puri, MD, DM, DMRE

Professor & Director, Integrated Cerebrovascular Program & Division of Neurointerventional Radiology/Surgery University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Worcester, MA, USA